29.05.2019 / Communiqué de presse
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2024 was a truly a celebratory year for MAHA. We were delighted and proud to congratulate 108 recipients of long-service awards on a combined total of 2,200 years of service to the company.
Haldenwang, 10th December 2024. The fact that we were able to honour employees with varying lengths of service is particularly outstanding. We recognised 27 employees for five years of loyalty to MAHA, nine for ten years, eight for 15 years, three for 20 years, 28 for 25 years, 14 for 30 years, 17 for 35 years, and even two colleagues for an amazingly impressive 40 years of service. The anniversary celebrations, which each long-serving employee was invited to by the Management Team, provided the appropriate festive setting.
‘Each and every one of you has made a significant contribution to our company’s success. Your commitment and loyalty are priceless,’ highlighted the Management Team in their address. These words do more than just express gratitude. They also signify just how important each and every individual is to the community. After a few personal words for the long-serving employees and the presentation of certificates, the recipients had the opportunity to reminisce about old stories and anecdotes in a relaxed atmosphere, with delicious catering provided by our company restaurant. These experiences and memories of each individual are an important reminder to us of how much we have achieved together in recent years and decades, and of the challenges we have successfully overcome as a team.
‘We are proud to have such a committed community of colleagues. Your commitment forms the foundation of our shared success,’ emphasised Managing Director Peter Geigle.
In times of constant change and digitalisation, it is particularly valuable to have employees who contribute their knowledge and experience over many years. The connection between long-serving employees and new colleagues is absolutely invaluable. Not only are our old hands passing on traditions; they are also acting as mentors and role models for the next generation.
Our heartfelt thanks to all those celebrating long-service anniversaries. Your tireless commitment and loyalty are what make our company one of a kind. We look forward to many more successful and joyful years together!
Photos: MAHA