05.05.2020 / Communiqué de presse
The non-profit Family Rauch Foundation of the Bavarian based company MAHA supports “Lebenshilfe Kempten” with 2,450 Euros for the purchase of a special care bed.
Haldenwang, 18th March 2022. Thanks to the non-profit Family Rauch Foundation, a new care bed has been financed for Cornelia B., a resident of a shared apartment at ‘Lebenshilfe Kempten’, was financed. The 64-year-old has been cared for by ‘Lebenshilfe Kempten’ for 38 years. She has a severe mental impairment and therefore needs a special care bed. "We are very happy about the new care bed for Cornelia. We had to dispose of the old bed after we repaired it several times over the years and in the end it was no longer usable," explains Residential Area Manager Jürgen Schulz. "On the one hand, the new nursing bed helps Cornelia to feel completely comfortable with us, and on the other hand, it makes everyday work much easier for our staff. The bed is extra stable and can be individually adjusted in height. This is an enormous help, especially for nursing tasks, and it takes a lot of strain off the employees' backs," adds Jürgen Schulz.
MAHA is very socially committed through its non-profit Family Rauch Foundation. The company has already demonstrated this several times in recent months. "The private non-profit Family Rauch Foundation is committed to helping people who have fallen on hard times through no fault of their own, so it is a matter of course for us to support Cornelia B. and ‘Lebenshilfe Kempten’ with the urgently needed care bed," emphasised Chairman of the Foundation Board and retired District Administrator Anton Klotz at the official handover of the donation.
"With this generous support, the non-profit Family Rauch Foundation is helping our resident Cornelia to feel comfortable in her home again," explains Benjamin Fackler, Deputy Managing Director of ‘Lebenshilfe Kempten’.
Photo: © Anna-Lena von der Eltz Lebenshilfe Kempten